It’s no wonder if you are like millions of other Americans who associate morning with the freshly brewed hot cup of java. According to NCA, 7 in 10 Americans consume coffee every week. Chances are you’ve heard that coffee can dehydrate you. If you are a 2-3 cup drinker of coffee every day, you might be wondering, “Does coffee dehydrate?” Fortunately, we have the answer. This article will tell you whether you need to worry that every sip of coffee can dehydrate your body bit by bit or not. Let’s get into it!
Studies have shown that caffeine may affect your hydration status. If you don’t drink coffee too much, it will not dehydrate you. However, if you consume 4 cups of coffee every day, it may dehydrate you. This is mainly because of its diuretic effect on the kidneys. Caffeine contains a diuretics substance that helps to lose water and sodium by making your body produce more urine than usual. When more sodium and water are flushed from your body, it may affect your hydration level. You are unlikely to have a diuretic effect if you’re not a heavy coffee drinker. When your intake is less, it can contribute to your daily fluid intake.
Does coffee dehydrate your skin?
Coffee contains caffeine that comes with diuretic properties. The diuretic (water losing) effects cause the body to make more urine, resulting in water loss from your body. People who consume more caffeine in a single day may experience dehydrated skin that can dampen their skin glow and give you a dull appearance. Dehydrated skin can result in dry patches, severe dryness, and premature aging. Moreover, skin dehydration can lead to loss of collagen, inflammation and even produce more sebum, an oily substance secreted by sebaceous glands.
The overproduction of this yellowish oily substance makes your skin too oily, leading to clogged pores. Clogged pores can cause acne and other blemishes. According to experts, drinking coffee, even decaf, is linked to skin breakouts and dehydration. The news is not wrong about your favorite drink because some experts believe your skin can benefit when applied topically. Chances are you have seen DIY coffee face masks on social media or coffee scrubs at your local beauty store. Coffee grounds are a great exfoliating agent and can wake up your skin.
Studies have shown that caffeine has antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties that make its extract a free-radical fighting ingredient for your skincare. Taking more caffeine can reduce your skin circulation and cause constriction of blood vessels. If you like to drink more than two cups a day, make sure to drink plenty of water with it to overcompensate it. For every cup of coffee, add two cups of water to your daily fluid intake.
Does coffee make you thirsty?
Coffee is unarguably the world’s most popular beverage. Most people depend on a daily dose of freshly brewed coffee to boost their energy level for a day. However, if you feel thirst soon after having a cup of coffee, you might find ‘does coffee make you thirsty? Coffee has caffeine content that may make you thirsty. When you take a high amount of caffeine, it may have a diuretic effect on your kidneys and make them produce more urine to remove water from your body.
This water loss may feel you thirsty as it prompts the body to tell you to drink more fluid. If you drink a cup of coffee, especially when you are thirsty, it may feel like it quenches thirst straightaway. Having a cup of coffee indeed moisten your mouth and place this hot liquid into the stomach. This instant sensation satisfies your desire to drink water.
However, this physical indicator can deceive you because your thirst may increase after having a cup of coffee or drinking a caffeinated drink. You may notice this more if you are not a daily coffee drinker. One study published in ‘Psychopharmacology’ revealed that this increased thirst could occur before the dehydration effects. However, caffeine may not cause dehydration, but it has other adverse effects. To prevent the imbalance from possible water loss, try to stick to two to three cups of coffee every day.
Bottom Line:
The notion ‘does coffee dehydrate you?’ has been floating around for decades, but it doesn’t hold a lot of weight. When you take coffee moderately, it can contribute to your daily fluid needs. To maintain hydration, you don’t have to give up your beloved drink or go completely caffeine-free. However, you should keep away from taking excessive caffeine and limiting your daily intake of caffeinated beverages if you feel they contribute to your dehydration.
Does Coffee Dehydrate | Blog Article | Bowers Coffee | Whitewater Wisconsin | All Rights Reserved | 12/27/21