Bowers Lake Coffee

Papua New Guinea Organic Coffee

Papua New Guinea Coffee USA
Papua New Guinea FTO, 16oz
Fair Trade Certified
Premium Papua New Guinea Coffee
Premium Papua New Guinea FTO, 16oz

Organic Papua New Guinea

PAPUA NEW GUINEA ORGANIC SIANE CHIMBU A/X GRAINPRO is sourced from farms organized around the Siane Organic Agriculture Cooperative (SOAC) located in the Chuave district within the province of Chimbu, Papua New Guinea. SOAC accesses the international coffee markets for farmers, creating greater earning capacity from direct trade relationships. SOAC also assists farmers with financing, coffee quality improvement, organic certification, and community-based projects that promote gender equality and education.

This is wild west PNG coffee versus the Sigri and Kimel which are nice traditional estate models (although still wilder than most farms we would usually think of). Basically, coffee cherries funnel in every day to these operations, farmers and family members pick the cherry from everywhere they can – parks, natural areas, villages, small farms, etc… They then bring the cherry to a centralized processing center, which judges the quality of the beans and purchases them assuming the quality is on par. Holds a little different cup profile than the estate coffees but is wonderful in its own regard.

Tasting Notes: The cup is medium-bodied, has lower acidity and is rich. A little hint of acidity upfront which leaves a little hint of caramel/floral at the lighter roast points but can risk a little earthiness. Anything even into the medium roast range is pretty chocolaty and smooth with just a pinch of a spice note. Darker roasts get a bit fuller-bodied and roasty with some nice smoky accents.

Roasting Notes: Easy to roast, a nice processing batch. Roasts fairly even and is tasty at a little fuller roast point. For a milder everyday drinker, a nice stronger medium roast (a little before 2nd crack) is good. Darker roasts (into 2nd crack) get bolder and a little more semi-sweet chocolaty but the roasty notes compliment the cup and darker roast fans will love it.

Origin Information

GrowerSiane Organic Agriculture Cooperative (SOAC)
VarietyBourbon, Typica
RegionChimbu Province, Papua New Guinea
Altitude1350 meters
SoilVolcanic loam: Volcanic soils are fertile due to their non-crystalline mineral content that reacts favorably with growing organic matter
ProcessFully washed and dried in the sun
CertificationsFair Trade, Organic

Papua New Guinea organic coffee bean flavor profile

Cupping Notes: Chocolate, spicy, earthy, nutty, sweet acidity, citrus and stone fruit
Aroma: Floral, Earthy